
When Inspiration Comes In Waves

When I sat at my desk today with the task of writing at hand, I drew a blank. I do that often. I want to write about something profound, so profound that it invokes a tear, a feeling, or maybe even anger. I'm not an angry person. I know the feeling well, but today, anger is not my agenda.

When someone gives me a book, or I gift a book to someone, they or myself have to write an inscription or a well meaning message of some kind inside, and then of course, date it. Somehow, it makes a great book an even greater personal gift, because there was some thought in the process of picking it out much like picking out a greeting card. I happened to open one of those gift books today and that act prompted this post. The book was a gift from my son for Mother's Day several years back. In it he wrote, “Mom, I hope this helps spark the fire for many more ideas, just like you sparked many of the fires in my life...” Tears welled in my eyes after I read the rest of the message. When I wiped my eyes, I thought how he must have believed in me and my ability to produce the one thing I wanted to do more than anything in my life, and that was to write a book.

I had personal things in my life to conquer so writing was put on hold for a while. Those of you who have read my earlier blogs will understand this unplanned sabbatical. Two books, shorts stories, and a stack of poetry patiently waited for me to return to the beautiful purple heart and cherry wood desk and chair my husband made me. He believed in me too. He always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. I brooded upon the sins and mistakes of yesterday so exclusively that I had no energy and mind left for living a day. Then one day, not long ago, I squinted at this familiar woman in the mirror and said, “I know you. Aren't you the procrastinator?” Well, you know what my answer was, and I said, “Yes, that would be me.” It was on that day, I sat back down at my desk to write.

It is the nature of our minds to create its own conditions whether we live in the past, stay content in the present, or build a beautiful set of wings to glide into our future. Every established mental condition is an acquired habit, and it is by the repetition of our thoughts. A thought constantly repeated will become a fixed habit of the mind, and from such habits proceed the life. So when I told myself I wasn't good enough or that no one was interested in what I wrote, I didn't give myself the opportunity to keep striving for that letter from someone, somewhere that my work was finally accepted. Instead, after a few rejections or lack of response, I tossed my work aside and dabbled again in self pity. It's just like the thief to refrain from stealing when opportunity occurs, because he has lived so long in desirous and greedy thoughts he renders unto his craft.

A dear friend who is a successful author and published playwright reminded me again that she didn't get where she was overnight. It was a compilation of years of hard work, rejections, and perseverance above all. She reminded me that when the right path is begun, success will come if it is not abandoned. First struggle, then victory. “You can do it, and you will do it well,” she affirmed. I promised, like I was ten years old again, I would once again try. As long as I am posting on my blogs, the words are flowing and I am working on other projects as well. It's a nice reprieve from a bigger project. My dad used to tell us kids, “Find something you love to do, then make a career out of it and then you will find happiness in all you do.” I have loved the arts and literature all my life, so dad, if you're smiling down on me right now, and I hope you are, I promise I will finish that damn book and my bucket list will be fulfilled. (Sorry dad, I didn't mean to say damn... :)


  1. "When Inspiration Comes In Waves"....I know the feeling and I thank you for the return of those feelings. We really need to be closer in miles. We would, I believe, work well off of each other. And another thing...I'm tired of being "anonymous". Patti....lol

    1. I'm glad I helped to bring back what you have lost for a while. We all need to be inspired now and again. Thank you for hanging in there with me, Patti!

  2. Al Fetterhoff8/27/2015 11:59 AM

    I have patiently awaited for your return and news that you were OK, Can you feel the love and compassion over the miles? I sure hope so. So here is my little slice of advise...... If I can persevere through all of the things that have happened to me, then I know you can as well. Keep at it, and if you should find yourself faltering please feel free to borrow a little strength from me.

    1. Thank you Alan for believing in me. You have been a source of strength and a model that one should never give up. You are truly a good friend and I'm glad you're in my life.
