
Sharing of Time

"One tries to cure signs of growth, to exorcise them, as if they were devils, when really they might be angels of annunciation."

 What a release it is to write that you forget yourself, your companions, forget where you are or what you're going to do next...to be so drenched in work your work that you feel you're drenched in sleep or in a body of water. Keystrokes coming alive on the laptop in front of you. Then, pricked by hunger, I rise in a daze for an afternoon snack. Reeling from my self absorption, I come back to the chore of providing nourishment, as if it were a lifeline to reality after almost drowning in a sea of words. I welcome the firm ground under my feet. I hate taking breaks, but I know it's a necessity to reduce a growing number of physical boundaries. Lazily, I grab a bowl of fruit and sit outside in the thick humid air. The lack of blue skies haven't clouded my thoughts but inspired a longing to run again. I hate that the feeling comes often, but I have learned to accept it as my nature.  
I have the desire to pack up again and find that place of aloneness by the ocean for a week or preferably more. This time I would like to share a part of it with a girlfriend. Waking to the soft rustling of the palm trees and the gentle sleep breathing rhythm of waves on the shore. We'd run bare-legged to the beach, which lies smooth and glistening with fresh wet shells after the night's tides. The morning swim would be a blessing, a baptism, a rebirth to the beauty and wonder of the world. We'd run back tingling to hot coffee on the front porch. With legs in the sun we'd laugh and plan our day. And since communication is more important to us than chores, the dishes and sweeping sand off the floors will wait.
Out on the beach for the afternoon, we would walk the beach in silence, but in harmony keeping track of the sandpipers ahead of us move like a corps of dancers keeping time to some interior rhythm inaudible to us. Intimacy is blown away. Emotions are carried out to sea. We are even free of our thoughts, at least of their articulation, clean and bare as the sun-bleached driftwood, empty as shells, but so willing to be filled again with the impersonal sea, sky and wind. A long afternoon soaking up God's creation.
And when we are heavy and relaxed as the seaweed under our feet, we return to the intimacy of our cottage for the evening. We sip wine in leisure in front of a fire. We start dinner and we talk. Because good communication is stimulating as strong coffee, it's hard to sleep after. And so we go out again into the night. We walk up the beach and when we are tired of walking, we lie flat on the sand under a bowl of stars and take in the magnitude of the universe.
This is what I thirst for after the smallness of the day, of work, of details, of intimacy and even communication.  I thirst for the magnitude and universality of a night full of stars, pouring into my soul like a fresh tide. Then at last, from the immensity of this heavenly body, we walk back to the small cottage glowing from the mist of darkness with the embers still smoldering in the fireplace.
What a wonderful day this would be I think turning it around in my head to its starting point. What has made it so perfect? It was freedom. A setting not cramped in space or in time. It was a balance of physical, intellectual and social life. It had an easy unforced rhythm. A friendship balanced on a shaft of air like a seagull.
I am reminded of these kinds of things when I talk to other women friends. We all want the same...a pure relationship not weighted down with irrelevancies, just life itself, the accumulations of life and of time. It is free of ties or claims, unburdened by responsibilities about the future or debts to the past.
I realize my life lacks this quality of significance because there is so little empty space. Too many activities, and things to occupy my time. There are too many pages to fill with words, too many hopes and dreams to fulfill.
For is it not possible that middle age can be looked upon as a second flowering, a second growth or even a kind of second adolescence? So, when I am reminded by my women friends that sometimes playing with makeup and getting a new hair style matters more, then I will take those few precious moments and run with them with joy in the now, and peace that I am where I am supposed to really be.


  1. I want to have that kind of pure friendship. You inspire me every time I read one of your posts. I have truly missed your words of encouragement.

  2. I have found in old age that laughing with friends in a shared moment is one of my greatest joys, Glad to see you writing again, Alabama

  3. So when are we leaving? I cherish my time with my women friends..... I come away refreshed and anew. I am thankful that I have a husband that understands my need for this. Whether I am away for a day reconnecting or a week up north in Houghton Lake ...I come back not feeling so weighted down.

  4. ok...I told you days ago that I would read this in a bit. I have finally gotten around to it this afternoon...lol...I feel in your words the same girl I know in school, but with a few very important difference's. The girl has grown up, now finally after all this time is finding the importance of what her life was, is and is still yet to happen. To instead of running, "away" is now running, "with". I am not a water baby as you are, but instead I navigate to the woods, the tree's, the coolness of the air and the smell of the leaves. I find my peace there and walk and talk to everyone and everything that watch's me as I renew.
    Think I'll let you in on another secret...lol...I haven't really written much for months and months. I'm handing you the blame for this. Yep...you ! In the miles that keep us from sharing a pot of coffee and the long talks that I miss so deeply...sharing stories of children and grandchildren, laughter and tears, reading your words give me idea after idea for another short story. My head swim's today......(((hugs)))
