
Angels Are Among Us

"I am not afraid of dying tomorrow.
I seen yesterday, and I love today."  
                                            ~Louise LaRocque

When circumstances in my personal life become too pressing I retreat and seek solitude. It's where I find the strength and wisdom needed to handle the difficult experiences of my life. Two places I am drawn to the most is a wooded area or near a body of water. An inner strength of spiritual nature unfolds and my life becomes more ordered by opening my mind with a great sense of peace.

A few weeks ago I left the hospital where my brother laid unresponsive, and feeling distraught about his rapidly failing health, I sought out a somewhat remote beach on the Gulf side of Florida. After climbing the grassy knolls of rain drenched sand, the brilliance of the setting sun was straight ahead. North of where I stood a few college-aged kids were engaged in playing volleyball. To my south, a disturbance was brewing with not a soul in sight...this is the direction I walked until I felt I was lost in the fine line of water and sand or Heaven and earth. I aligned myself with the setting sun relaxing into the harmony and peace of the presence of my Almighty Creator and begin to pray. I prayed that He have mercy on my brother and release him from his pain and suffering. I prayed that he feel God's loving peace in his mind and within his body. My tears went away and I became calm, serene and relaxed.

The distance between where I started my walk along the shore was long and the sun was becoming a warm glow. I was distracted by an oncoming Kingfisher who looked like he had better days. The disheveled bird's feathers were ruffled and missing and yet he walked towards me with pride and certainty. I watched as he slowly circled around me and stopped at a small pool of water being fed by the tide. He didn't seem to care as I sat down and watched him fish a few feet away as I delighted myself in taking pictures of this wonder of nature. That's when I saw the tiny speck of a person walking the shore. In navy shorts and a teal shirt, a young man with dark tasseled hair drew close. I stood and pointed to the rumpled bird who was feeding at the pool and so the fellow moved away giving a wide berth around the bird and positioned himself beside me for a few moments. His eyes were deep velvety brown and his voice as soothing as the lapping waves, "This is the first time I've ever been to this beach,” he said. “It's a first for me too,” I replied. When I returned his glace he smiled with those gentle eyes and with the voice of a concerned parent soothing a sick child he said to me, “Everything's going to be all right.” I was dumb-stricken when he turned and walked out of my sight. After a minute I turned to follow, I wanted to know how he seemed to know I was praying. I don't know where he went, it's like he just disappeared. As far as I could see along the shore I remained the only one there with the impending storm.

Yes, I believe in angels and I believe this young man with heavenly eyes came to me as a messenger to let me know my prayers would be answered. My brother passed away quietly the following morning. And yes, I do believe in angels.

In memory of Jerry 1940-2014