

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
~Maya Angelou

“It's no use going back to yesterday, there's no future there...” That sentence made me think. It made me think about the countless tens of thousands of people who can't get beyond their pasts. I know. I mentioned before I'm one insignificant particle in the masses.

I've been making great strides until recently, which is typical for most who suffer from the disease. I started to document what triggers the onset of a new bout of depression. Most of the time I can answer it with one word like; loneliness, jealousy, fear, estrangement, rejection, or grief. Other times, I even documented my depression with the phases of the moon, or if the stars weren't perfectly aligned and even other moments by a word interpreted the wrong way or the lack of love from someone I care about. Doctors prescribe all sorts of magic pills and inspirationalists tell you to look to a higher source. All of the healing hype capitalizes on particular methods prescribed making one or the other the cure. Every situation has a self-help book written by someone who thinks they have the answer, look for yourself on the internet or in bookstores, there's hundreds of them.

I believe God and medication does help, but I have sincerely succumb to the belief it will only happen within a person if they are strong enough, and have the ability to calm the noises in your heart and in your mind. This is what I'm learning as I grow spiritually. To quit fighting life and accept life is not under my control. I don't want my stuff to keep me trapped anymore. I want to throw it all into a particular northern lake and watch the ripples disappear forever.

My therapist friend asked me today if I totally grieved for my losses. I had to think back to several incidents and I replied, “Not completely.” My reasoning was, “because I couldn't do it without someone to lean on.” I felt I had to do it alone because I needed to be strong for another person, and in my worst case, I needed to keep a dark secret that I am only now letting go of.  She then asked why I never asked my family for help, I said it was because we didn't have that kind of family dynamics. Someone might say, “I didn't know.” But in all actuality, did they really want to see what was sealed in the can marked “Worms"? 

Here's another popular quote, “What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.” In some instances it absolutely applies about life, but not for all. You may think you got over yesterday's hurt, until it sneaks up on you tomorrow...

My mind works like that all the time...it opens, thoughts move around, then closes up again. My growth comes from knowing I am not the meaningless voice of my mind, I am the one who hears it. I know the sun will rise tomorrow morning and it will go down tomorrow night, and an infinite amount of things will go on in this world. I can think about it all I want, but those thoughts will have no effect on anything or anyone, except me. It's not easy applying the methods to obtain a satisfying daily existence, but when my head molds into my down pillow at bedtime and I think of my day with a smile, I know I am breaking down walls one brick at a time.